The Bigness’ quarantine single “Be Careful” will benefit Camden nonprofit Hopeworks
For the third installment of their quarantine singles series, Kristin Bigness and John Bueno of The Bigness performed the original “Be Careful” from their living room.
All proceeds of the new song from February 5 through 7 will be donated to the Camden-based organization Hopeworks, which helps break the cycle of violence and poverty through education, technology, and entrepreneurship.
“I wrote this song when I was feeling stuck a few years ago,” Bigness says. “I had no idea how hard that feeling would come back around during the pandemic.”
For The Bigness, the pandemic necessity of home recording has been a learning curve that’s forced them to work creatively despite less-than-ideal circumstances. “John’s ‘just’ playing guitar in the video, but he’s the unsung hero of this song,” Bigness also shares. “What you’re not seeing are the hours he spent learning how to record at home so we could keep making…John gets me out of being stuck and back into making and feeling like myself.”
Listen below and purchase the track via Bandcamp.