Sometimes an artist is best examined without any regard to their life outside of music. This is not the case with Orion Sun. In the tenth episode of Dr. Marten’s Filmmaker Series, the thoughts of the Philly-rooted artist (who relocated to Brooklyn last year) shared some of her insightful inner monologue, reinforcing the depth behind her already-intriguing work.

At the beginning of the video profile, Orion Sun shares some of the diverse inspiration she draws on in her music, from jazz to “weird, abstract” German music. And then, she begins to talk about her experience with the pandemic and with protesting.

In general, what Orion Sun reveals is a refreshingly optimistic view. Her viewpoint can best be summed up by one of the last things she says.

I’m looking at this time as sort of before the harvest, tending to the crops, tending to me.

Head over to the Dr. Marten’s website to watch the video profile on Orion Sun, who was an XPN Artist to Watch last May, and her album Hold Space For Me was one of XPN’s top albums of 2020. Follow her on Instagram, watch a trailer of the Dr. Marten’s episode and listen to her music below.