Remember Sports‘ newest single shows the breadth of their upcoming album. Where their first single from Like a Stone was like a stick of dynamite to the face, “Materialistic” is a burn that lingers.

Like a Stone is set to chronicle lead vocalist Carmen Perry’s experiences and struggles with religion, an eating disorder, anger, self-doubt, and, ultimately, self-forgiveness. “Materialistic” hones in on that last theme, exploring the progression between confronting the past and learning to forgive yourself. As Perry explains in a press release, “It’s about the feedback loop of me caring about my possessions because they hold special memories, and alternately thinking I’m a bad person for caring about a mostly meaningless pile of junk.”

Despite the soft nature of the song, Perry’s performance still maintains its unique intensity and Jack Washburn’s guitar work likewise brings a vibrancy to the song.

You can listen to “Materialistic” below. Like a Stone will be available everywhere on April 23, but you can pre-order it now.