Singer-songwriter Kayleigh Goldsworthy’s new record Learning To Be Happy is shaping up to be a formidable collection of life lessons, and single “Boomerang” is no exception. The pop rock ballad describes a toxic relationship Goldsworthy was stuck in, and how she recognized that giving someone another chance doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve changed.

“Life is too hard to take yourself and your art too seriously,” says Goldsworthy. “We all need to find joy and a bit of laughter in the things that make life weird.” The video for “Boomerang,” directed by Bob Sweeney, proves Goldsworthy’s feeling that seriousness calls for moments of  levity as well. In the video’s narrative, a man in a Scream mask follows Goldsworthy around, innocently hanging out with her in the park and around the neighborhood before theatrically stabbing her in the gut. The vibe is macabre, but playful, and makes light of how easy it can be to spend time with someone who’s not right for you.

Goldsworthy is looking forward to performing “Boomerang” and other songs from Learning To Be Happy for a live audience–she describes it as the next step in the cathartic process of writing this album. But before you see her live (dates forthcoming), check out the video for “Boomerang” below.