For nearly 35 years, Mystery Science Theater 3000 has been the not-so-secret handshake among pop culture fanatics. From humble roots on a local Minneapolis station to its success on cable to its current iteration based just outside Philly, MST3K and its creator/host Joel Hodgson have given new life to some of the most outlandish movies ever committed to film.

Another local institution, Blobfest, celebrates the 1958 monster flick and the Chester County locales used as prominent filming locations. This weekend, the two fandoms collide as MST3Kon stages a day-long mini-convention at the Colonial Theatre.

To mark the occasion, Joel chats with Indie Rock Hit Parade host Eric Schuman about what’s in store for the convention; including marathon screenings of recent experiments, Q&A sessions with the show’s three current test subjects, and more. He also shares his personal connection to The Blob and how it set the stage for his love of sharing movies with friends.

Joel Hodgson and Eric Schuman chat on the Indie Rock Hit Parade