Pete Yorn - 2024 XPoNential Music Festival

Second up on the XPoNential Music Festival River Stage, a usually stoic Pete Yorn graced the crowd with a big smile. Armed with his Epiphone guitar, Yorn delivered a set featuring a range of tracks from his discography. Before he could tackle his greatest hits and new works, he had to rep that this is his home state, opening his set with Bruce Springsteen’s “Atlantic City.”

“Life On a Chain,” a fan favorite from his 2001 breakthrough musicforthemorningafter, got the whole crowd to join in. “What a beautiful place, what a beautiful Friday…is this the end of summer? It’s the end of summer!” A reality that we all don’t want to believe, but seeing is believing, as Yorn told us on the next track, “Murray.” Last time I saw Yorn – performing solo at his WXPN Free at Noon – he was much more reserved and tense. However, on the River stage this evening, he let loose, and looked so relaxed and happy while he threw up his guitar to the motion of Scott Seiver’s drum beat.

“I’m having flashbacks to so many different shows in this area,” said Yorn. “I’m from Jersey, I’m really happy to be here,” thanking everyone for coming out. “I’ve been down a hard road, a very hard road. I think about everything it took for me to be on this stage tonight and I feel very fortunate.” He said all this while tuning his guitar in preparation for another track that’s neither new nor old, “Calm Down” from his 2019 effort, Caretakers.

Pete Yorn | photo by Megan Matuzak for WXPN

Before moving into new material, he played a stellar cover of New Order’s “Bizarre Love Triangle.” He said it’s special to him, something he grew up listening to. “I quietly put out a record in 2022 called Hawaii, you might know it if you’ve been paying attention… if you haven’t you should go listen to it.” He also played “Never Go” with poise, knowing he is no longer flying under the radar.

Yorn’s latest album, The Hard Way, was just released in August. His fans, many hearing these songs for the first time live, were in for a treat as he performed new material with the same heartfelt intensity that has characterized his career. The single, “Someday, Someday,” went first. The single gained significant traction, particularly on YouTube, marking a resurgence for the singer-songwriter, known for blending introspective lyrics with a rock-driven sound.

We got a little treat during this set, thanks to a mysterious Jim who Yorn shouted out, “This is a song I play very rarely, but this is for Jim tonight.” The crowd was roaring following “Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldnt’ve)” — known by some as a Buzzcocks cover, by others as a great song from the Shrek 2 soundtrack. The drums quickly changed the vibe on stage and Yorn moved into “On Your Side,” its early 2000s guitar tone and ascending riff from Joe Kennedy grew into a solo, the drums followed suit going into his own solo closing out the song in true rock star fashion.

Yorn’s performance at XPoNential Fest highlighted his versatility as an artist who can command the stage with a mix of nostalgic favorites and fresh new sounds. “For Nancy (‘Cos It Already Is)” was the perfect way to close his set as he called it his “anthem.” The crowd concurred, expressing their love for it with hollers, some dancing. He told the crowd that this is first proper tour since 2019, and notably his first tour sober, and Yorn appears more grounded and focused than ever, bringing a renewed sense of purpose to his live shows. His return to the stage brought a huge crowd to the festival, showcasing his enduring appeal and proving that, after 20 years in the industry, Pete Yorn still has plenty to say and new heights to reach.

Pete Yorn
XPoNential Music Festival
  • Atlantic City
  • Life On A Chain
  • Murry
  • Calm Down
  • The Man
  • Real Good Love
  • Bizarre Love Triangle
  • Strange Condition
  • Never Go
  • Just Another
  • Someday, Someday
  • Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)
  • On Your Side
  • For Nancy