Philadelphia is home to countless musicians of all skill levels sharing their talents with the creative community at large. Whether you’re looking to cover your favorite songs, share original material, or jam with like-minded individuals, there are plenty of opportunities to join the Philadelphia music scene at the local level.
My name is Mikey Franz. I’m a Philly-local writer and musician who’s frequented open mics throughout the area for almost ten years. In that time, I’ve had my share of triumphs and catastrophes. From totally bombing on stage to winning over difficult crowds, the open mic hustle has been a wild ride for me as a performer, as well as personally. Through my experience and observations, I’ve learned about performance as a craft and foundational skills that apply to all styles of performance. The open mic scene can change pretty quickly and has changed a lot over time, but of late it seems that more and more places are encouraging local performers by hosting open mic events.
On any given night, venues and bars alike host events that support the local scene. For someone looking to be active in the community, different types of gatherings cater to different types of performance. Whether you’re looking to do music, comedy, poetry, or something else, there are plenty of opportunities to share your creativity with the community at large.
For example, if you’re a musician looking to play with other musicians, there are Jam Nights where musicians of all stripes come together and improvise collectively. Jam nights are typically very inclusive, inviting anyone with an instrument to come out, play along and experience music together as a collective unit. These events are great practice for ear-training and thinking on your feet. Week-to-week, the ensemble is made up of new and familiar faces drawing interesting conclusions to participants and audiences. Let’s say you’re a songwriter and you’re looking to put a band together; a Jam is a great space to meet up with other musicians and have an opportunity to get to know them solely through music.
Along with various Jam Nights, Philly also has an active Open Mic scene where local musicians and songwriters meet up and perform in a more individualized manner. Much like a Jam, Open Mics provide an open stage for performers to come and share their talents, only instead of the performance being a collective effort, the sets times are allotted with an open sign-up sheet at the beginning of the night. While all Open Mics have the same modus operandi, each venue brings in different crowds and different performers every week. You can frequent the same open mic and it will always be a new experience for both performers and audiences.
Whether you’re looking to showcase your talent or have fun supporting the local scene, Open Mics create an opportunity to build community through creative expression. You never really know what to expect from one act to the next and that’s part of the excitement! If you want to get more involved in the Philly music landscape on a local level, Jams and Open Mics are a great way to start. People come out to support local artists, especially first-time performers. Sound exciting? Ready to check out the scene? Here’s a list of tips for your Open Mic adventures.