

At WXPN our mission is to connect artists and audiences and to build, serve, and engage our community of music lovers. 

Through nationally recognized programming, handcrafted curation, free events, and local music journalism, we provide a nonprofit public service to artists and music fans in our community. In an era of mega-media corporations controlling culture and commentary for the entire country, local media supporting artists that their local community cares about is more important than ever. That’s why WXPN is your home for music discovery.

Join the Community

We are a member-supported, public media organization from the University of Pennsylvania. What does that mean? It means that even though we are part of UPenn, donations from members are our largest and most reliable source of financial support. That’s why we ask the people who rely on our public service to invest in it, to the degree that works for you. We are here for you every day, 365 days a year, which is why every day is the right day to give. 

Become a Member
WXPN is yours. Everything we do is made possible by members. Support the music you love by donating today.
Donate Now

Member Benefits

There are many benefits to becoming a member of WXPN. Most importantly you get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re playing an active role in supporting the music discovery and local community you value.WXPN is your trusted source for the music you’ve loved for decades, and the latest songs from your new favorite artists. When you become a member, you’ll be investing in a service you rely on every day, and we promise you’ll feel great about that! To show our thanks to members, we provide them with special benefits, like:

  • The WXPN member-version of the weekly enews email with exclusive offers, including:
    • Access to pre-sales for major concerts
    • Discounts to local arts and culture events
    • Advance RSVP to Free At Noon and other WXPN events
    • Select free tickets
  • Member discounts for the annual XPoNential Music Festival
  • Thank-you gifts

Sustaining members — donors who sign up to automatically donate a set amount to WXPN every month — receive the following additional benefits:

  • Option to select a new thank-you gift every year

Be sure and check the box to sign up for emails when you make your donation. You don’t want to miss your exclusive member e-newsletters!

Update Your Membership
Already a member? Need to update your information? Or want to increase your donation level?
Update Now

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I change my membership, contact info, or the amount I’m donating?

You can update your personal information or donation by contacting WXPN Member Services at or 1-800-565-9976. Messages are returned within 3 business days.


How can I cancel my sustaining membership?

You can stop your sustaining membership at any time by calling WXPN Member Services at 1-800-565-9976 or by emailing us to let us know you’d like to cancel. NOTE: If you donated for a specific premium item such as concert tickets, or XPoNential Music Festival tickets, please fulfill at least 12 months of your sustaining membership, or you may be requested to fulfill the cost of the event ticket. WXPN is a non-profit, and counts on member support to offer our excellent events!


How can I purchase WXPN merchandise (t-shirts, CDs, mugs, etc.)?

WXPN merchandise is usually only available as a gift to members to thank them for making all the WXPN music discovery and community service possible. Because we are a nonprofit, it is not fiscally responsible for us to sell merchandise. Current members can make an additional donation and receive additional thank-you gifts. If you are not a current member, please join us today and select your gift!


When will I receive the thank-you gift(s) I selected?

Thank-you gifts are mailed based on their availability and receipt of your payment. Expect your gift(s) to be mailed within 4-8 weeks of your full payment or first installment. Due to packaging and availability, some gifts are mailed separately, and may arrive as far apart as 10 days. If you do not receive all of your gifts by 8 weeks after we received your payment, please contact WXPN Member Services at 1-800-565-9976 or email us.


Is my donation to WXPN tax-deductible? When will I receive my tax letter?

Yes, as part of the University of Pennsylvania, WXPN is legally designated as a nonprofit, so donations are tax-deductible. Tax letters are emailed to all donors in January every year. If you need a copy of your tax letter mailed to you, please contact WXPN Member Services at 1-800-565-9976 or email us. NOTE: Your tax-deductible amount may be impacted by the total value of thank-you gifts and benefits you receive. Additionally, donations directed from Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are not eligible for tax deduction when the donation is dispersed, because they receive a tax deduction when the funds are put into the DAF.


How can I donate if I live outside of the United States?

For security reasons WXPN donation forms require a United States address for payment verification. Interested donors outside of the United States can donate to WXPN via the University of Pennsylvania’s Giving Portal.

When donating via the University of Pennsylvania’s Giving Portal, WXPN will receive your donation from the University of Pennsylvania at the end of the month in which the donation is made.