Is the title of Adam And Dave’s Bloodline‘s “Cautious Again” an indicator of the band members’ reluctance to revisit (and/or repeat) the past, or a declaration of their approach to handling the future? If the lyrics to the song (off last year’s Boycott Classics) are to be taken at face value, it’s the former. In between the breezy pop track’s jangling guitars and laid-back vocals, lines such as “I traipsed across the road/ I looked back at what I’d seen/ I etched it in my memory” and “We ain’t going back no more/ under dirty blankets, sleeping on the floor” are seeped in an unmistakable sense of nostalgia. Whatever past it is they’re wistfully looking back on, we’re looking forward to a pair of their upcoming Philly F/M Fest shows this weekend—including a headlining performance at our very own blog launch party at The Blockley on Saturday, September 25th (also featuring Busses, New Motels, and The Sky Drops).

Every weekday at 1 p.m., Helen Leicht highlights a new song by a local artist during her XPN Middays program (Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.). Tune in (or listen online) to hear today’s pick of the day, as well as plenty of other songs from the many musicians Philadelphia has to offer.