Singer-songwriter Bill Ricchini reached out to us about his new band and album called Summer Fiction. Of the album he says that “this one most ties in with my love of late 60s pop – Beach Boys, Zombies Left Banke – but there is a lot of other influences there too from old movie score waltzes to torch songs.” The album is being released on November 30th and Bill will have a record release party on December 1st at Johnny Brenda’s. The video for the song “Chandeliers” is set to a clip from the 1965 Italian movie Fist In His Pocket about a disturbed young man who murders members of his dysfunctional family. “Love is blind/under the chandeliers” sings Ricchini on this infectious autumnal song that sounds like it could have been lifted straight ou of AM radio in the mid-Sixties. You can download the song for free here.