Introducing Raise The Dead! Language, the new project from Sean Hoots
Sean Hoots, the “Hoots” in Hoots And Hellmouth, has a new project called Raise The Dead! Language.
Direct from Sean’s website, here’s what he has to day:
It is with great pleasure that I announce the official release of Raise The Dead! Language: Volume 1. It’s not really a band, per se…just me fiddling with loops (electronic, vocal and found sound) to create soundscapes suitable for many types of listening situations – long walks on the beach, yoga class, drives down desert highways, meditation retreats, slow roasting red peppers and garlic…and so on.
The five-song Volume 1 is now available to download here. Don’t expect any alt-country, gospel rockin’ music from his new EP. It’s not what H&H fans may expect, but it is a very exciting and interesting direction. The lengthy jams on these songs are atmospheric and spacey, contemplative and at times drone in Brian Eno-esque style. Download a couple songs below.
An earlier version of this post inaccurately stated that Raise The Dead! Language founder Sean Hoots was a former member of Hoots And Hellmouth. He is still a member of the band.