Female guitar badass Marnie Stern hasn’t released any new material since her self-titled LP in October of last year. Though she’s touring with no new album to promote, her visits across the US are being commemorated with entries in her self-penned blog, The Vagina Monoblog. Perhaps a blog doesn’t seem as exciting a tour ritual as the short-lived kissing booth she set up after a couple shows in 2008 to raise money for a speeding ticket, but the blog does offer a look into the refreshingly low-key lifestyle she and her band maintains while traveling. For someone with such extraordinary talent, you’d think she’d be beyond getting stuck at the Canadian border or announcing that she would like to offer guitar lessons to any takers in her native New York. This DIY attitude reflects the spontaneity offered in her distorted, fun-house mirror vocals and technical guitar-tapping skills. Marnie Stern performs with No Joy at 7 p.m. at The Barbary; tickets to the all-ages show are $12. [ED. NOTE: This show was originally scheduled to take place at First Unitarian Church; earlier this morning, R5 Productions tweeted that the show had been moved to The Barbary.]