The Key Studio Sessions: Break It Up
Over the summer, when The Key interviewed emerging Philly indie punk trio Break it Up, a commenter named Areyoukiddingme left us a charming eye-rolly text graphic because the band, we acknowledged, had yet to play its first official live show. What can we say? The single “Excavate”—to date, the only proper recording the city has heard from singer-guitarists Jen Sperling and Dan Morse, and drummer Casey Bell—grabbed us. It’s an inspiring slice of strident independence and anthemic power-pop goodness. Surely, we thought, there had to be more songs of equal measure in the can. Turns out our hunch was right. The band was in for a Key Studio session recently, and so far, it’s the only time an artist has been asked to record on the strength of one song. A chancey move, to be sure, they wowed us with a set that echoed the post-hardcore buzzsaw of Pretty Girls Make Graves as much as the ultra-accessible pop moments of Mission Of Burma. Sitting in on the session, Key editor Matthew Borlik remarked that “Paint The Town” would make a fantastic 7” when paired with “Excavate”; elsewhere, the trio showed its teeth on “Subterranian” and gave a full rendition of the irresistibly singsong “Architect” (which it just shared with the folks at Bands In The Backyard). And guess what? Break it Up still has not played its first show: the spot opening for Male Bonding that we wrote about this summer was washed out by Hurricane Irene. Pending any natural disasters, you can now catch them for the first time on Oct. 15 at Kung Fu Necktie, with Key favorites Slutever, followed by an Oct. 29 appearance at Tritone for the Sugar Town party. Meantime, tune in to The Key Studio Sessions Hour on XPN2 tomorrow at 7 to hear the session as well as our interview with the band.