Revolution, I Love You has lived every liberal art student’s dream. During their college years, band members Jason Reynolds and Rob Lindgren soaked themselves in the pretentious pleasures of subjects such as cultural theory, Russian literature, and art history, letting the nerdy excitement from their studies leak into their songwriting and inspire the group’s namesake (which refers to the 1968 student uprising in Paris). As a result, the Middletown, DE, natives not only have to dodge the usual challenges of musicianship, but must evoke the feelings of freedom, rebellion, and radicalism that characterize 1968. Otherwise it would all just be silly. With its fourth LP, We Choose To Go To The Moon, the band continues to hint at larger concepts without straying far from friendly low-fi pop, sometimes with a touch of punk to feebly connote those unruly political revolts. Ask them to write a term paper about the attempted social implications in their 2008 track, “Open Letter To The President Of The United States Of America,” though, and they could certainly come up with pages and pages. Revolution, I Love You performs with City Rain at Teri’s Diner (time TBA); tickets to the 21+ show are FREE.—Marielle Mondon