And it’s inspired by the works of noted thespian Arnold Schwarzenegger. From the band’s label:

When we first met Gauntlet Hair and were getting to know their likes and interests, one was a little more unusual than the rest: they collect Arnold Schwarzenegger movies on VHS. No one knows that the world record number of copies of Commando is, but we would imagine for that they are in the running. Their fascination with the Austrian Oak and the unintentional hilarity level of most of his films were the inspiration behind the “Top Bunk” video…Directed by William Doyle of Neighborhood Watch, “Top Bunk” features many of Schwarzenegger’s films with sub characters that are iconic to his fans and also includes footage from a very rarely-seen trailer of the Terminator.

Gauntlet Hair – Top Bunk. from Neighborhood Watch on Vimeo.

Gauntlet Hair performs with local acts Moon Women and Wigwams at 8 p.m. Sunday, December 4th, at Milkboy Philly; tickets to the 21+ show are $8–$10.