Photo by Isaac Turner

And now, a great slice of thrash to brighten up your afternoon. Ex-Friends is the new project of Plow United bassist (and sometimes Key contributor) Joel Tannenbaum. The recent Plow reunion got his punk rock action happening again, but as the band’s Facebook bio puts it, “Sean [Rule, drummer] lives 3000 miles away and all this insane energy needs to go somewhere.”

…so I decided to start a band with JP Flexner,who has designed and printed like half the awesome punk rock posters and record covers you’ve seen in the last five years. Joining us are Audrey Crash and Jayme Guokas, who between them have played in about a million Philly basement bands you have never heard of but should have.

The No Wonder We Prefer the Dark 7″ is out tomorrow on Paper + Plastick Records; check out opening track “The Legend of the Holy Drinker” below.