Listen to the new Tame Impala album, Lonerism via NPR Music (playing Union Transfer in November)
Australia’s psychedelic rockers Tame Impala release its new album Lonerism on Tuesday, October 9th. You can listen to it now in its entirety via NPR Music here. The band play Union Transfer on Thursday, November 8th with The Amazing opening the show. Go here for tickets and more information about the show. Stephen Thompson of NPR Music, writes:
On the surface, Tame Impala is another big, brash, psychedelic rock band, with lots of fussy studio tricks and grandiose solos — even on disc, a light show is implied. Kevin Parker’s vocals can seem almost secondary to guitars that buzz and fuzz compellingly, but his emotional distance serves a thematic purpose: For Tame Impala, Parker writes songs about solitude, and about maintaining distance from others that needn’t be literal.