Jersey beatmaker Dayve Hawk – who we teased a bit over the summer for his music-making mystique – today announced what we’ve been waiting to hear about: a new release from his one-man project Memory Tapes, due out on Carpark Records on December 4. The record will be called Grace / Confusion, and here’s what Hawk had to say about it:

I’ve always explained Memory Tapes as pop music as field recordings. I decided to showcase a kind of chaotic reaching. I don’t think the record is flat-out shooting in all directions though, because I kept trying to reign it in as much as I embraced it. That’s why I called it Grace/Confusion.

You can stream the opening cut “Sheila” and check out the tracklisting below.

Grace / Confusion track list:

01 Neighborhood Watch
02 Thru the Field
03 Safety
04 Let Me Be
05 Sheila
06 Follow Me