Prepare for battle: Death Grips playing First Unitarian Church on November 14th
The band that sounds most like the cacophonous musical genius of the internet these days is Death Grips, a trio from Sacramento, California. The band released its debut album The Money Store in April to mostly well-deserved positive critical buzz for it’s punk rock/hip-hop/poly-rhythmic/metal bitch of a musical brew and lead singer/rapper Stefan Burnett’s obscenity laced hardcore aggressiveness. Reckless to a cynical point of “okay, we’ve seen this all before,” Death Grips became the new, hot, hip and really big middle finger to new generations of kids who missed out on Rage Against The Machine, Black Flag, Fea, the Sex Pistols and N.W.A. This past Monday, Death Grips leaked its new album, NO LOVE DEEP WEB, against the label’s wishes and without the label hearing it. Death Grips took to their twitter to leak it, the band created an explicitly obscene album cover and social media took over very quickly.
The ticker tale so far: The band’s website crashed within hours; they claimed Epic shut them down to stop the illegal downloading of the record. The label denied it. Now there is talk of this stunt being a marketing ploy. Like their music, the band has hit an emotionally charged conversation chord with some of the most singular sounding music of the last decade. Billboard Magazine reports that Death Grips is the most legally downloaded artist of 2012 so far on BitTorrent. Today, the band announced a tour which brings them to the First Unitarian Church on Wednesday, November 14th. Tickets go on sale this Friday, October 5th at Noon. Below, of course, download the band’s new album.