We love that they explore expansive musical tones, but Philly’s Sun Airway also has a stunning visual sensibility. As we feature their new album Soft Fall on this week’s edition of Unlocked, I’ll discuss the “look” of Sun Airway (as well as its sound) with frontman Jon Barthmus in our interview tomorrow, and on Friday we’ll dig into the surreal photography on its latest album. Today, we showcase at the music video for “Wild Palms,” filmed in the sanctuary of Philly’s First Unitarian Church. As Barthmus enters along the garden walkway, he begins to dissolve into dozens of translucent doppelgangers. They sing, sit in pews behind one another, look and interact with one another, culminating in a wide shot of a congregation of Sun Airway. Check it out below.

Soft Fall is the featured album in this edition of Unlocked; hear the spotlighted track “Close” in Monday’s post, read yesterday’s album review; and check back tomorrow for an interview with Barthmus.