Spinto Band releases new track, announces album sale, throws show at Johnny Brenda’s 2/16, does literally everything
Spinto Band releases new track, announces album sale, throws show at Johnny Brenda’s 2/16, does literally everything
Fine. The last one’s not really true, but jeez, Spinto Band! We can hardly keep up. The group was even featured on the New Yorker site this week, which premiered the stream and download of their new single “What I Love.” Between running their own record label (Spintonic Headquarters), preparing for a new album and accompanying international tour, and doing all of their own marketing – including running a 48-hour-promotional sale on their new album – Spinto Band could definitely do less. Of course, we hope they won’t. Make sure to pre-order their album Cool Cocoon while it’s only $5.99 and pick up tickets for their February 16th show at Johnny Brenda’s. Information for the 21+ show is available here. Below, stream “What I Love.”