This photo of The Spinto Band contains elements of a photo of Chill Moody by G.W. Miller III of Jump Magazine.

Congratulations to Wilmington indie-pop five-piece The Spinto Band and West Philly MC Chill Moody on the official releases of their latest albums today. The Spintos dropped the lively Cool Cocoon on their own Spintonic Records, while Chill’s #RFM (which was a limited-time free download following his TLA show in December) was officially released to iTunes. Although a collaborative release or co-headlining show was sadly not in the cards this go-round – and seriously, these are all creative minds we’re talking about, I bet you any joint venture would have ruled – you know, there’s always tomorrow. And the two records we got from them are stacked, catchy, and a whole lot of fun. Good shows from two Key Studio Sessions alums. Speaking of shows, coming up Chill has his annual “Who Do You Love?” show at The Blockley on February 15, while the Spintos play Johnny Brenda’s on February 16th. Download songs from their respective Key Sessions below.