Tonight’s Concert Pick: Rodriguez at The Keswick Theater
WXPN welcomes Rodriquez at Keswick Theatre tonight. Achieving fame through the Oscar winning documentary Searching for Sugar Man, Sixto Rodriguez’s music career was given new life as he now commences an incredible tour playing dates all over the world, and popular festivals such as Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival and the Primavera Sound Festival in Barcelona. Although Rodriguez’s early career did not garner high success, his music found an audience in South Africa and then continued to tell his story through the award winning documentary. He has two studio albums, Cold Fact and Coming from Reality released in 1970 and ’71 respectively, with his most recent releases being a single in 2002 and a compilation in 2005 canlled Sugarman: The Best of Rodriguez. The show, originally planned for Tuesday, was rescheduled to tonight; all original tickets will be honored. Tickets and information for the all-ages show with Jenny O can be found here. Below, enjoy Rodriguez playing “Crucify Your Mind” on the David Letterman show.