Free Download: Ecomog featuring Voss “Who Will Survive In America?” (playing 4/18 at The Balcony)
Uber-creative Philly rap crew Ecomog caught our ear last fall with their As Seen on TV LP, a collection of songs inspired by (and containing samples of) a couple generations of TV listings, from The Wonder Years and 90210 to Dexter and Friday Night Lights. What could have easily been a corny gimmick was elevated to a solid and eclectic album through thoughtful rhymes and sharp wit, and the band is back this spring with its follow up single, “Who Will Survive in America.”
Those of you who spent a lot of time banging Kanye West’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy a couple years ago should immediately recognize the title – towards the end of that album, Kanye had a similarly-titled track; it took a minute and thirty eight seconds of poet Gil Scott-Heron’s stirring, provocative performance of “Comment No. 1” and laid it over EDM beats. In collaboration with MC Voss, the Ecomog crew re-appropriates the Gil Scott lyric for a 21st century examination of his themes – the black experience as it relates to the American dream – and does it over fierce beats and a hooky refrain.
Download the track below, and catch Ecomog in concert when it performs at The Balcony Bar at The Trocadero on April 18th.