Boston bands come together to raise money for Boston via the Allston Pudding music blog
When tragedy hits communities, communities respond to support to help their own. Such was the case with local bands in Boston and the highly acclaimed Boston local music blog, Allston Pudding, almost immdediately after the Boston Marathon bombings last week. According to Allston Pudding, the “natural” place to find solace and to help, was through music. They write:
The events that unfolded on Monday left us at a loss for reaction. There was no way we could spin the situation to make sense of it, and we knew we weren’t alone. As we searched for ways to possibly help, turning to the Boston music scene was a no brainer.
We posted a call for song donations on our Facebook page, and within a matter of minutes, our inbox was flooded with messages from musicians looking to help in any way. It was at this point that things came to perspective. We weren’t surprised in the least, but were overwhelmed by how much people love the hell out of this city. As if we needed any reminder at all, this was yet another example of how lucky we are to live in the most supportive music community that we’ve ever known. So from Allston Pudding to everyone who is a part of this (and there are many)—Thank you for being terrific souls.
The Allston Pudding Marathon Relief Mixtape features 130 bands and 130 songs from local Boston bands. 100% of the money raised goes directly to The One Fund, a fund set up by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Tom Menino to help the people most affected by the tragic events that occurred in Boston on April 15, 2013. One needn’t be from Boston to feel the loss and tragedy of events. Below, you can find the mixtape; for a donation of $1 or more you can download the entire collection.