Free Time is a new NYC-via Melbourne band with a wispy, alternative, slightly pop-ish, classic indie-rock sound. The band formed about a year ago, when singer-songwriter Dion Nania (of Australian band Panel of Judges) moved to New York from Melbourne. Nania played and toured with bands Scott and Charlene’s Wedding and the Twerps before forming his own band.They finished recording this winter, and the digital version of their first self-titled album dropped on May 28th (physical copies will be available on June 11th).

“Nothin But Nice,” a track off of their first album, doesn’t lie –  it’s actually really nice. Melodic and soothing with a side of raw, it sets a pretty good bar for the rest of their LP. Check out the track below. Free Time is playing at Johnny Brenda’s on June 9, along with locals Avery Rosewater and The Downtown Club. Tickets and info can be found here.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]