Trip to the 70s with Smith Westerns’ “Idol” (playing Union Transfer 7/26)
Trip to the 70s with Smith Westerns’ “Idol” (playing Union Transfer 7/26)
Smith Westerns are getting ready to release their third album, Soft Will, following up the amazing Dye It Blonde. While their previous efforts seemed heavily influenced by the glam-rock of groups like T. Rex, Smith Westerns third album is full of brand new sounds and influences. Today, they released the third single from Soft Will called “Idol” which shows the band delving into 70s power-pop. In this lively song of love and admiration, guitars jangle along and the group attempts harmonies reminiscent of Big Star. Based on these new singles, it looks like the group has really taken the time to evolve and expand their sonic horizons. Soft Will comes out June 18th and the group will play Union Transfer July 26th.