Manic performer Mac DeMarco headlining MilkBoy on 8/29 (on sale today)
Manic performer Mac DeMarco headlining MilkBoy on 8/29 (on sale today)
Photo by John Vettese
After packing Kung Fu Necktie back in the winter, Canadian eccentric Mac De Marco is returning to Philadelphia next month to headline MilkBoy on August 29th. The performer is a mix of a psychedelic acid casualty and a macho dude-rocker – when we caught him at South By Southwest, he scaled out over the crowd and hung from a ceiling support beam to the sound of his reverbed-out rock band. So, I guess, a middle ground between Ariel Pink and Eddie Vedder? In any case, a great live show, and highly recommended. Tickets are onsale today at noon via the MilkBoy website.