At the beginning of this month, a Lucky Towns competition launched to see which cities across the globe could win the most votes to get an advanced screening of the new Boss documentary, Springsteen & I. The only two cities to win first place were Philadelphia and Barcelona. This Sunday, July 21st, the movie will be screening at the Ritz Landmark Five Theater at 10:30 a.m, celebrating 4 decades of Bruce Springsteen’s fruitful career.

The film focuses not only on the Boss and his life, but emphasizes on the fans that have made his name legendary by incorporating tons of personal video clips. To enter the competition to attend the screening, email your full name and “Philadelphia Lucky Towns” in the title to [email protected]. Names will be chosen at random, and winners will receive two tickets for admission to the movie. For more information, check out the film’s website, and watch the trailer below.