Stream “Tiny Raindrop” and “Reflection” from Balance and Composure’s new LP (playing Union Transfer on 10/12)
playing in Philadelphia, April 2012 | by Alex Henery
Doylestown-born Balance and Composure are back with a single called “Tiny Raindrop,” a new album called The Things We Think We’re Missing and opening slot at Union Transfer for Title Fight‘s October 12th date. The album was recorded by Conshohocken’s Will Yip (read The Key’s profile of Yip here) and follows up the band’s 2011 debut. “Tiny Raindrop” is an intensely personal song, referring to singer/guitarist Jon Simmons’ difficulty with relationships. From Simmons:
You know when you’re driving on a really nice day and everything is great and then you see that first raindrop on your windshield and it instantly ruins your day because you know what’s coming? That’s me in a relationship. The line “I’ll be your tiny raindrop” is me giving a warning that while everything is great at first, I will be the first to ruin things. I don’t like this about myself but I felt I needed to be honest and say that. The song does have a positive outlook though. I want to be in love and stay in it so badly but this song is me battling with that.
Stream “Tiny Raindrop via Spin here. Tickets and information for Balance and Composure’s October 12th show with Title Fight, Cruel Hand and Slingshot Dakota can be found here. The new LP is set for release on September 10th via No Sleep Records. Listen to “Reflection” from The Things We Think We’re Missing below.