Photo by Seth Klinger

If you missed Toy Soldiers‘ epic, sold-out album-release party for The Maybe Boys this past Friday night, here’s a chance to make up for it. Our friends at Out of Town Films just sent out word that they’re hosting their second “pop-up concert” this Wednesday, September 18th, and Ron Gallo and crew are the stars.

The series is basically what it sounds like – a band performs a free concert at an undisclosed location, and the Out of Town videographers film it for a series of live shorts. Their first one happened this summer with The Districts at Girard Hall in Fishtown; to RSVP for this show, shoot an email to outoftownfilms(at)gmail(dot)com. You’ll be notified of the location the morning of the show. Below, check out The Districts performing “Long Distance” at the first pop-up concert, and download “Tomorrow to Today” from Toy Soldiers’ Key Studio Session.