Listen to Laser Background’s Super Future Montage streaming in its entirety (playing Johnny Brenda’s tomorrow)
Listen to Laser Background’s Super Future Montage streaming in its entirety (playing Johnny Brenda’s tomorrow)
Philly’s Laser Background released its debut full length Super Future Montage today on La Société Expéditionnaire records, and if the above cover art didn’t tip you off, it’s a very unusual affair. Digging deep into his love for pop surrealists Ween (with a touch of Monkees in the mix as well), frontman Andy Molholt presents a collection of songs that run the gamut from catchy pop all the way to far-out multi-pitched vocal terror, then pulls back from the edge into pop once more. The entire record is streaming on Laser Background’s bandcamp; listen to it below, and look for our interview with Molholt tomorrow in advance of his album release party at Johnny Brenda’s.