Q.D. Tran from The Deli Magazine Philly guest DJs on tonight’s edition of XPN Philly Local
We’re pretty amped for The Deli Magazine‘s 5th anniversary throwdown this weekend at PhilaMOCA. It has a solid lineup of Literature, Night Panther and The Homophones; it has a costume contest, it has prizes. You can get all the details here, or you can listen to the Philly Local Show on WXPN tonight when The Deli’s editor Q.D. Tran joins me on the air during the 9:00 hour of the Philly Local Show to guest DJ, preview the concert and spin jams from some of his Philly faves. An advance peek at his playlist indicates Q is spinning some Spacin’, Lushlife and a cool track from Creepoid’s first LP that simply doesn’t get heard enough. Tune in at 9 p.m. at 88.5 FM or XPN.org. Below, check out The Deli’s Choice / Cuts video session with Lushlife for the song “Still I Hear the Word Progress.”