The Late Ancients Release Songs From The Wigwam (playing Legendary Dobbs tomorrow night – 11/2)
Psychedelic jam band The Late Ancients recently released Songs from the Wigwam . They have the grooves, guitar skills, and passionate vocals of a blues band while maintaining the spaciness of psychedelia. On songs like “Enter The Wigwam,” vocalist Brittany Staub sings “All hail the wigwam, the lost cabin of our minds,” on top a tribal beat. Throughout the album the band explores several musical styles. They merge multiple genres, playing blues riffs along keyboards with technical effects to create a trippy, jamband sound. Guitarist Pete Beck is a versatile player. “Higher,” has a soaring guitar solo, and he takes the effects out for a colorful ride on “Spirit Drive.” All three vocalists (Brittany, guitarist Beck and keyboardist Mark Brown) sing well together, creating harmonies that add another layer of musical skill worth appreciating. On the ballad “On The Old Brandywine,” they softly sing “You wasted nothing on me but time / When we were lovers by the old Brandywine,” and end the song by cleansing their souls in that same river.
Stream amd/or purchase the album below. You can see them perform live at The Legendary Dobbs on November 2nd, and The Blockley on November 26th.