Explore ancestry in Birdie Busch’s “Far From The Tree” video (playing Union Transfer 12/4)
Explore ancestry in Birdie Busch’s “Far From The Tree” video (playing Union Transfer 12/4)
Birdie Busch and The Greatest Night | Photo by Rachel Barrish | raddrhapsodies.com

Singer-songwriter Birdie Busch sings of rebellion and defying expectations on the whimsical “Far From The Tree,” a song from her 2013 album Birdie Busch and the Greatest Night. These themes turn visual in a new video where we see people showcasing their ancestry through photographs and other memorabilia. It illustrates the fact that they know where they came from, but are paving their own path. Busch will perform at Phase One: A Fundraiser for The Rail Park (hosted by our Michaela Majoun) this Wednesday night at Union Transfer. More details below and tickets here.
Birdie Busch :: Far From The Tree from Jesse Moore on Vimeo.

Poster via www.birdiebuschmusic.com