Oh! Pears | Photo by Chris Sikich | countfeed.tumblr.com

Yesterday on his Facebook page, former Philly resident Corey Duncan of Oh! Pears, shared his new album, Wild Part of the World. A month ago Duncan was back in Philly and played a show at Ortlieb’s. Here’s what Duncan wrote:

Ok so I’m getting a little tired of keeping this thing to myself. This is the new Oh! Pears record, which I’ve had finished, chillin on my computer, for like a year. It should be coming out very soon, but details are a little hazy right now. I’m really proud of it, and I figure there’s no harm in showing it to my FB pals while it’s waiting to come out. Feel free to let me know what you think. I’ve got a bunch of new songs since recording this, and an extremely exciting new collab project with a wonderful friend of mine, which I’ll tell yallz more about soon. Anyway, I hope you guys like this record. It’s called Wild Part Of The World.

Listen to Wild Part of the World below.