Bad Braids’ Megan Biscieglia | photo by Abi Reimold

In the latest Choice/Cuts collaboration from The Deli Magazine and HotBox Studios, Bad Braids performed a new song called “Mountains.”  The episode is the second in a two-part feature on singer/songwriter Megan Biscieglia that also includeds November’s “Jackal” recording.  “Mountains” is representative of Biscieglia’s beautiful folk/psych catalog of work – it starts quietly with repetitive guitar parts before her hypnotizing vocals come in, accented by a soothing flute melody.  Both “Mountains” and “Jackal” will be included on Bad Braids’ next full-length release, which will follow this year’s Supreme Parallel LP.  Catch Biscieglia live at Boot & Saddle on January 24th with Banned Books, Laser Background and Son Step; tickets and infor can be found here.