The Note in West Chester to close on January 31st
Photo by Vinny Tennis via http://www.dailylocal.com/general-news/20140110/the-note-in-west-chester-to-close The Note, a music venue and bar in downtown West Chester, is closing, according to this report in the Daily Local News. Reporter Jeremy Gerrard writes:
After providing nearly six years of live entertainment in the borough, The Note at 142 East Market Street is pulling the plug on the business and shutting down.
Notice of the closing was confirmed by The Note’s attorney William Shehwen III, who said the venue will close its doors on Jan. 31.
Shehwen said after the six-year run, owner Don Moore has “decided he needs a break from the long and arduous hours spent running the venue and plans on spending his free time with his family and reflecting on life, in general.”
The only show that was scheduled after January 31st was We Butter The Bread With Butter on March 23rd, and the show has been moved to The Barbary in Philadelphia. Go here for the complete story.