Ruby the Hatchet | photo by Troy Memis

Jersey born, Philly bred rock outfit Ruby the Hatchet are back with a two song EP to blast us (hopefully) into spring.  “Paralyzed” b/w “Eliminator” follow up October 2012’s OUROBOROS full-length and comes in anticipation of a sophomore LP.

“Paralyzed” opens with the ominous repetition of a handful of notes before a crunchier chord takes over with the gradual addition of drums and electric guitar sweeps.  By the time vocalist Jillian Taylor enters we’ve been tossed head first into something like a zero gravity ride at an amusement park, spinning so fast all limbs are plastered to the ride’s wall, paralyzed.  “Eliminator” is equally ominous, with quiet montage of sounds building and overlapping before the band’s signature doomy, distorted guitar comes in over a down-tempo drum march.

Though Ruby the Hatchet’s sound is unequivocally dark and heavy, there are rays of shoegaze and a dreamier psychedelia that filter their way through the more metal aspects.  In the case of these two songs, it’s the melodic nature of Taylor’s vocals and an organ that plays almost subconsciously on “Eliminator” that release the band from being pigeonholed in the confines of a single sound.

Stream “Paralyzed” and “Eliminator” below and stay tuned for a 7″ release coming soon, as well as Ruby the Hatchet’s next full-length.  You can also check out their Key Studio Session from last year here, where they play an early version of “Paralyzed” live.