Watch dramatic video for Morrissey’s “Earth is the Loneliest Planet”
“Earth is the Loneliest Planet of All” is the third track in Morrissey’s upcoming LP World Peace Is None of Your Business, and came out earlier this week. Throughout the spring, the Brit-rock icon and former Smiths frontman released teaser videos for “World Peace is None of Your Business”, “Istanbul”, and “The Bullfighter Dies.” All three included dramatic spoken-word readings (as opposed to straightforward performances of the song), all were directed by Natalie Johns and all have a dystopian, 1984-esque feel.
In the (different kind of) lyric video for his latest single “Earth is the Loneliest Planet of All,” Morrissey recites the words to the song to Pamela Anderson while walking atop the iconic Capitol Records Tower at sunset. Stripped of its accompanying instrumentation, the lyrics have a mesmerizing effect. They compels the viewer to connect with Morrissey’s desolation. Watch the video below.
Morrissey will be playing Atlantic City’s Revel Ovation Hall this Friday as well as sold-out show at Wilmington’s Grand Opera House June 17th. Get more information here. World Peace Is None of Your Business is out July 15th.