Make Music Philly Spotlight: The Naked Sun
Make Music Philly Spotlight: The Naked Sun
Photo by Kate McCann | katemccannphotography.com
The Naked Sun is a rock band from South Philly, whom you might remember from their Key Studio Session last year. They’re very proud of their Philadelphia Heritage, so much so that they even have a song called “Wooder.” Their EP, Place, Space, and Time, has received great reviews from outlets such as the UK’s Real Gone, The Owl Mag, and Bucket Full of Nails. Additionally, they’ll be performing four times for Make Music Philly, including a 10 a.m. show at Powers Park, an 11:30 a.m. show at Riverside Hall, a 2 p.m. show at the Hard Rock Cafe, and a 6 p.m. show at Julian Abele Park. Check out a very DIY version of “Wooder” below, which was filmed and recorded in a basement.