HighKick live at The Porch | photo by Marc Wentzel

Philadelphia four-piece HighKick just performed at The Porch for XPN Local’s First Wednesday Busking Series this week, and will continue the celebration at Jack McShea’s in Ardmore on Saturday, July 5th.  To catch up with the hardworking quartet, I sent the band some questions about their new EP and what they’ve been working on.  Read the Q&A below and get information on their free Ardmore show here.

Helen Leicht: Who are the members of HighKick and how long have you been together?

HighKick: We are Matt Miceli on vocals and guitar; Kevin Mairs on vocals, guitar and keyboards; Mike Iannece on bass guitar and vocals; and Robb Matthews on drums.  We have been together 6 years now.

HL: You recently released a new EP.  Can you tell me about the new music and what’s been going on with HighKick?
Highkick: Our new EP was compiled from songs that we have written over the past 3 years. Songs that we never got around to recording but we thought had a common thread. We produced the album ourselves and the process felt new this time around with the addition of our current drummer Robb. He brought a fresh look at these songs that we had been kicking around and playing at our live shows.
The process of creating and releasing this EP really inspired us to hit the road and take our music to other markets. We just got back from our first multi-state tour and it was a great experience. Currently we are converting our diesel bus to run on veggie oil and we are booking another tour for the fall.
We are playing a show this Saturday, July 5th, at Jack McShea’s in Ardmore and then you can catch us in the campgrounds at Philly Folk Fest, where we all volunteer for the performer parking committee every year.