Live at 435 brings in lo-fi folk project Geology for episode 3
Live at 435 brings in lo-fi folk project Geology for episode 3
Geology / via facebook.com/pages/Geology/138175876219824
mewithoutYou bassist Greg Jehanian recently stopped by Studio 435 in Downingtown for episode 3 of the new video series “Live at 435.” Playing under the name of his solo project Geology with only a guitar and vocals, his performance was perfect for the new video project’s lo-fi, low-key sound. Jehanian performed two original songs, “Until My Fire Goes Out” and “Song of the Wren,” accompanied by fellow singer-songwriter Marlee Sheaffer on both and host/Studio 435 owner Matt Magarahan on the latter. Between songs, the pair sat down with Magarahan to talk about Geology’s history and his new album, Our Intertwining Words, which is available now for download here. Check out Geology’s episode below.