Samantha Cressman
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Listen to Sights on a Sunless Sea, the debut from vintage Philly rockers Crazy Moon

Meet Forever Lesbians, a throwback to classic rock n’ roll

Get to know Doylestown natives The Regan Brothers, a fun (and dance-worthy) band

Watch Mercury Radio Theater’s Static Session video and see them at Ortlieb’s on Aug. 8

Watch Shorty Boy-Boy’s trippy new video for his old single, “Crickets”

Check out The Extraordinaires’ diner-centric Garage Video Session (Warning: Do not watch hungry)

Live at 435 brings in lo-fi folk project Geology for episode 3

TJ Kong and the Atomic Bomb, Diane Birch and more to play at September’s Communion Philly showcase

Watch Cayetana’s acoustic version of “Dirty Laundry” for Space Jam Sessions

Going through a breakup? Philly’s Mark Lanky is here to help