Aaron and the Spell | Photo by Chris Sikich | countfeed.tumblr.com

This past Wednesday, Pastorius Park in Chestnut Hill hosted their final outdoor concert of the summer featuring Aaron & The Spell. With gorgeous weather as the backdrop for their twilight concert, Aaron Brown and his seven bandmates spun a soulful 90-minute set that wandered the realms of rock, R&B and folk to the delight of the hometown crowd.

With the occasional ribbit of some frogs in a stream separating the stage from the crowd and the dusk of July 30 and some lights strung among the trees providing the illumination, Aaron & The Spell enchanted the setting and the audience with two sets. The first was a more stripped down and calmer collection of tunes. The second added a keyboard player and a second percussionist to bring a fuller band sound. Interspersed in between songs from their 2013 record Sing and tracks from their forthcoming release Prince and John Lennon were also covered for good measure. And though bugs seemed to invade the stage as the darkness overtook the show, the band expertly played their tunes, certainly gaining new fans in the process.