Download new Mumblr track, “Got It”
Download new Mumblr track, “Got It”
Mumblr | Photo by Peter Murray Photography | petermurrayphotography.com
It’s been quite a year for local four-piece Mumblr, and one can only assume the excitement will continue after the band releases their upcoming album, Full of Snakes (out September 16th via Fleeting Youth Records). To hold fans over for the time being, Mumblr posted a free download via Soundcloud of the album’s third single, “Got It.” The intriguing first verse and urgent rhythm will hook you in immediately, and the song’s catchy chorus offers a glimpse into the life of a “strange” person and his openness about being so different. The band’s album release party is September 19th at Golden Tea House. Pick up the song and keep an eye out for Full of Snakes.