Folkadelphia Session: The Bones of J.R. Jones
In our latest session, you’ll hear the Bones of J.R. Jones. The band is self-described as “dirty, grainy, blues-influenced” that navigates the divide between full-on sweaty face-in-the-dirt rock-and-roll and somber folk-balladeering. You’ll hear resounding drum hits, shimmering tambourines, thumping bass, beefy guitar licks, stomping boots, and some sweet harmonica playing. The band creates thick rhythmic grooves that ensare the listener, catching them with chains of distorted chunky guitar slides, compelling with raptured singing. There’s also the gentler side of ol’ Jonesy, sorrowful and intimate, quietly yearning. The Bones of J.R. Jones is a true dynamic experience.
That all said, the band that is the Bones of J.R. Jones is just one man, Mr. Jonathon Linaberry. The successful qualities of the new record Dark Was The Yearling would be a victory for a full band, but it is intensified by the fact that Linaberry performs these songs solo. On some passages in our Folkadelphia Session, it’s hard to believe that it’s truly just one dude. How’d he do that?! I was even witness to the whole shebang, but on revisiting the songs, I questioned that maybe my audio engineers injected some “studio magic” in there. They assure me they did not. Damn, J.R. Jones shakes that dust from your bones.
Lock, load, and fire on through the Bones of J.R. Jones’ Folkadelphia Session before you head off to see him perform at World Cafe Live on September 14th with Goodnight Texas.