Jeremy Isaac | Photo by Greg Johnson | via

Making a great song is one thing, but when a great song becomes a hit? That’s what musicians aspire to. Philly’s Jeremy Isaac is not only a great singer / songwriter, but he also shows signs of being a hit maker. A perfect example would be his song “Good Love,” which you can grab a free download of below. Everything good about this songs has hit written on it. There’s the beat, a dancehall rhythm that totally makes the listener feel like they’re at a party somewhere on a island. There’s the vocals, and the way Isaac plays off of reggae artist El Feco. Bridging the worlds of R&B and reggae makes this song feel even more like a party, and puts you in the mood to dance. There’s the very catchy chorus, which we have El Feco to thank for, but also Isaac’s lyrics throughout. “You’re kind of beautiful, I say that cause you’re different / You’re an art girl, got strokes of different colors.” Jermey Issac might just be starting out, but if he’s making songs like this now, his future in the music industry is going to be bright. Check it out below.