It’s just 5 days ‘til The Night Before on XPN … and to help get us prepared for 24 hours of yours truly, I present to you a unique holiday song each day!

Every so often someone comes along and turns Christmas on its highly-decorated ear, and about a decade ago that honor went to El Vez, The Mexican Elvis and his Lovely Elvettes! If you ever get the chance to see El Vez live (especially his Merry Mex-mas show!) … GO!! He took one of the few Christmas songs I don’t like, chewed it up and spat it back to us in true El Vez fashion. Here he is – live and in color – from 2002 (being introduced to the stage by Dave Foley of Kids In The Hall fame)!  #Energy

Be sure to join me for my 22nd annual edition of The Night Before on XPN; 24 hours of me and my eclectic collection of seasonal sounds – midnight to midnight on the 24th day of December … only on WXPN.