Church Girls | via Facebook.com/churchgirlsmusic
Listen to the new EP by Church Girls, see them Saturday at MilkBoy
Church Girls | via Facebook.com/churchgirlsmusic
After the latest release of the gritty, adrenalin pumping single “Young Planes,” local four-piece Church Girls has just released their self-titled EP filled with a handful of indie-punk tracks. “Hymn” proves that Mariel Beaumont can conquer soothing vocals, while “Powder Keg” epitomizes the darker, energetic sound of “Young Planes.”
Although the four-piece (with added help from other Philly musicians for the EP) just formed this past summer, Church Girls will showcase their edgy rawness throughout the northeast through February.
The group’s record release show is slated for this Saturday, Jan. 31 at MilkBoy, alongside Jesse Gimbel and Marc Neibauer. Purchase tickets here.